Jet-Set Your Travel SEO Excellence with Our Agency!

Hey there! If you’re finding it tough to snag more clients for your travel agency or struggling to connect with your ideal audience, guess what? You require an SEO expert to assist you in climbing to the top of the results in search and getting the right kind of visitors.

That’s where we come in. We’re not only SEO Experts but also enthusiastic travelers who know the specific challenges and opportunities within your field. We use proven SEO strategies, keep our eyes on the latest Google ranking updates, and, most importantly, we create custom strategies for your business.

Travel SEO

Why is SEO Important for Travel Agencies?

There are many advantages to an agency for implementing a strong SEO strategy.

SEO Important for Travel Agencies

Increased Website’s Visibility

First, it increases the agency website’s visibility in search engines. A well-optimized Web page is more likely to show up in the top page of search results when people are looking for travel-related keywords. All this extra exposure leads to increased traffic from natural searches. Consequently, conversion and reservations potential are enhanced.

Cost Effective

Secondly, SEO means that agencies need not spend so much on advertising. While paid search marketing can help companies occupy the top ad spot, the price can be hefty, especially when matched against major names in the industry. 

By arranging their web pages around natural search results, they turn this game into a fair competition and attract visitors without needing expensive advertising campaigns.

Competitive Advantage

By implementing effective SEO strategies, travel agencies can increase their online visibility and attract customers who are looking for unique and personalized experiences. 

By targeting specific keywords and optimizing their website for organic search results, these agencies can reach their target audience and showcase their value proposition effectively.

7 Results Oriented Strategies to Boost Your Travel Business’s visibility

We’ll create a personalized SEO roadmap that will boost your business to the highest ranks of search engines, where adventurous tourists are eagerly waiting to discover all that you have to offer.

Here’s how we’ll turn your business’s ROI 10x more profitable:


1. SEO Audit of Your Website

Through SEO audits, we analyze the general health of your site and identify any weak points or errors, and then improve these by employing the following strategies

  • Technical SEO Audit: We look at the backend of a website for efficient crawling and indexing by search engines.
  • Content Analysis: Review content for accuracy, relevancy and optimized keywords aimed at the top of Form.
  • On-page Analysis: This involves analyzing the elements of your website’s pages, including headers, title tags and Meta description.
  • Off-page Analysis: Check external aspects on your website that impact its ranking position.

2. Talk With Your Team

We know about your company’s goals and objectives, the locations, the target market, and focus keywords, and offer feedback on audit results.

On Page SEO

3. On-Page SEO of Your Website

In On-page SEO, we enhance your site’s visible content and other elements to make them more user-friendly and improve search engine rank. It involves

  • Keyword Research: Find high-volume keywords related to travel agency, that help your site to attract more users
  • Keyword Mapping: Place primary keyword in H1, H2, H3 intro and conclusion without any stuffing.
  • Be aware of the SERP’s intent: Understand and serve the intent of the user behind the search phrase.
  • Update Content Structure and Details: Add value and update content in accordance with Google’s most recent algorithms.
  • Paragraphs are mobile Friendly: Guarantee accessibility on mobile devices.
  • Featured Snippet Optimization: Update your content to get an top position on Google.
  • Answer to a Specific query: We focus on creating content on your websites that directly addresses what users are searching for.
  • URL Optimization: Create concise and SEO-friendly URLs
  • Meta Title and Description Optimization: Improve the titles of your site as well as its descriptions to increase the click-through rate (CTR).
  • Highlight Important Information in bold: Enhance the content’s Presentation and assist users to find important information quickly.
  • Add External and Internal Links: Include internal linking to entice users for longer while external linking provides more information.
  • Table of Contents that is User-Friendly: Create an easy-to-navigate TOC.
  • Make Page Jump Link if possible: It is a process of creating links that allow users to jump to certain sections of pages.
  • Add Video and Explanatory Pictures: Use relevant videos and images to improve the user’s experience.
  • Verify CTA Performance: Confirm the proper function of the Call To Action (CTA) buttons.

4. Local Travel SEO

Local SEO optimizes your agency’s website to draw traffic from a certain geographic area, such as the United States. We employ these methods to boost the visibility of your service’s website on the local level.

  • Google Business Optimization: Improve your service’s visibility and position on Google by optimizing your GMB listing.
  • Local Content Promotion: Develop and market relevant content to local audiences to increase engagement and conversions.
  • Local Citation: We will include your business’s information in local directories, which assists in improving your local search engine ranking.
  • Backlinks: Improve rankings with relevant and high-quality new links.
  • Online Reviews: Consistent mentions of your site in directories boost the local search rankings.
Local Solar SEO

5. Technical SEO Of Your Website

We improve the backend structure of your site by using technical SEO techniques to make it easier for search engines to read and index the website. The strategies we employ are

  • Optimization of the Website Structure: Structure your Travel site in a user-friendly, easily navigable manner that improves user experience and SEO.
  • Mobile-Friendliness: Design your website to look and function optimally on mobile devices.
  • Website Security: Protect your website from cyber-attacks.
  • Site Mapping using XML: Help search engines navigate your site easily by creating an XML sitemap.
  • Robots.txt Configuration: Creates a robots.txt file to guide crawling and indexing to maximize site visibility.
  • Structured Data: Use specific code formats (like to assist search engines in comprehending your content and improve the appearance of your content on search results.
  • HTML Tags: Utilize HTML tags effectively (like title meta, heading, and tags) to improve your website’s SEO.
  • Repairing Broken Links: Identify and fix links that can lead to pages not being found.

6. Optimizing Site Speed for Mobile and Desktop

According to Backlinko, the average first page result on Google has a mobile page speed of 3.2 seconds. So, faster sites that load in the 1-2 second range have a clear advantage.

We optimize the loading speed on desktop and mobile devices to improve user experience and increase your website’s rankings through the technique of Site Speed Optimization. It involves

  • First Contentful Paint: Assess the time needed for the first appearance of content on the site.
  • The Largest Contentful Paint: Measures the loading time for the biggest images or text.
  • Total Blocking Time: Analyze how long a web page remains inactive to input from the user.
  • Cumulative Layout Shift:  Determines how many elements on your site move around during loading.
  • Speed Index: Rates the speed at which the content of a web page is visible and filled.

7. Link-Building Service

We build links for your website that make your website more credible and trustworthy to Google. We do link building using the following ways:

  • We work closely with publishers and bloggers specializing in your niche to attract organic traffic.
  • We write high-quality research articles that get natural backlinks.
  • We use platforms like HARO to write high-quality content for other websites to get backlinks.
  • We recommend establishing partnerships within your industry, particularly with leaders in the field.
  • We specialize in refreshing outdated content on external websites within our industry and crafting targeted blog posts. This approach not only enhances the overall quality of blogs on external platforms but also establishes valuable links for our website to boost search engine rankings effectively.

Our Core SEO Services

Feature SEO Packages
SEO Audit
On-Page SEO
Local SEO
Technical SEO
Site Speed Optimization
Off-Page SEO
Monthly Reporting

Common Mistakes of SEO for Travel Agency and Their Solution

Many websites do not adhere to the latest guidelines.They make mistakes that result in losing search engine rankings and traffic. The most frequent mistakes made by travel websites are:

Utilizing a Platform that isn't SEO-friendly

This is the biggest mistake we have seen several times over the past few years. The majority of booking platforms have attractive features for travel agents but they’re not very good with regards to SEO.

When you are choosing a platform to run your travel-related business, don’t simply look at the features they provide for bookings, but also search for a platform that is SEO-friendly. You need a site that can bring in a large number of bookings through SEO, but not with a flawless backend system.

Platform that isn't SEO-friendly
No Social Media Presence

Content Duplication Issues

The content that you post on your travel website must be unique. Utilizing content already published elsewhere on websites and distributing your content to other larger websites (without taking the necessary security measures such as canonical URLS) is not a good idea.

No Social Media Presence

Social media marketing might not result in bookings directly, however, it is essential to establish a strong brand name.

No Interaction With Customers

Disregarding customer feedback or failing to respond to messages from social media can hurt your reputation over the long run.

Best SEO packages For Travel Agency

You may choose from pre-built or custom SEO packages. It is worth mentioning that we create custom SEO strategy with 10 years of search engine optimization experience in over 50 industries. Contact us to buy your favorite SEO plan!

Affordable SEO Package

Start From



  • Up to 50 Pages SEO Audit
  • 10 Keywords Optimised
  • 5 Pages Optimized
  • Find Technical SEO Issues
  • 3 NLP Optimized Content
  • 2 High-Quality Backlinks
  • Find 5 KWs with Growth Potential

Advance SEO

Start From



  • Up to 100 Pages SEO Audit
  • 20 Keywords Optimised
  • 10 Pages Optimized
  • Find Technical SEO Issues
  • 5 NLP Optimized Content
  • 3 High-Quality Backlinks
  • Find 10 KWs with Growth Potential

Premium SEO

Start From



  • Up to 200 Pages SEO Audit
  • 30 Keywords Optimised
  • 20 Pages Optimized
  • Find & Fix Technical SEO Issues
  • 7 NLP Optimized Content
  • 5 High-Quality Backlinks
  • Dedicated Manager
  • Find 20 KWs with Growth Potential

10 Strong Reasons to Choose Us?

We are a reputable SEO agency. We have all the tools you require to boost your visibility on the internet and increase leads for your business.

  1. We respect the Google SEO Guidelines.
  2. We regularly monitor Google updates concerning SEO and apply strategies in line with them.
  3. We’ll track your progress, analyze data, and adapt the advanced strategy to ensure you’re always ahead of the competition.
  4. We’ve helped countless travel agencies achieve online success, and we know what it takes to get your business noticed by the right travelers.
  5. White hat SEO aims for long-term visibility, therefore we implement these tactics.
  6. We guarantee high-quality SEO for websites.
  7. We prioritize relevancy and find relevant SEO keywords for your business.
  8. As your business grows, your SEO needs will change. We offer a range of SEO packages that can be scaled to meet your ever-changing requirements and financial budget.
  9. We believe in open communication. You’ll always be kept in the loop about our progress and results.
  10. We provide affordable pricing and custom offers to meet your needs.

Boost Organic Traffic by 109% with our professional SEO Strategy

SEO Services Pricing For Travel Agency

We provide pre-made SEO packages. However, you can customize it according to the need of your business. We utilize this data to create an SEO strategy unique to your company, taking into account anything from your objectives and industry to your website and competitors.






SEO Audit (On Page, Off-page, Content & Technical)





Number of keywords optimized (in 1 month)

Up to 20

Up to 30

Up to 50


Pages Optimized

Up to 20

Up to 30

Up to 50


SEO Keyword Research with Growth Potential

Up to 5

Up to 10

Up to 20


Keyword mapping to target pages





XML sitemap creation and submission





Robots.txt optimization





Title Tags & Meta descriptions





External link analysis and disavow





Canonicalization analysis





Internal linking analysis & optimization





Link redirect audit





Header Tags Optimized





Duplicate content analysis





Schema Markup (JSON-LD) Implementation





Fixing the 404 error page





Image optimization





Google Search Console Setup





Google Analytics Setup





Monthly visitor profile report





Monthly reporting of keyword ranking, and CTR,





user experience reporting (bounce rate, device category, etc.)





Monthly Competitor Analysis Report





Google Business Profile optimization (if needed)





Analysis of SERP title and description to improve clickthrough





Technical Website Analysis & Opportunity Report





Dedicated Marketing Manager





Monthly Backlink (High Quality, Do-follow)





Initial investment:(One month duration)




Book Now






SEO Audit (On Page, Off-page, Content & Technical)

Number of keywords optimized (in 1 month)

Up to 20

Up to 30

Up to 50

Pages Optimized

Up to 20

Up to 30

Up to 50

SEO Keyword Research with Growth Potential

Up to 5

Up to 10

Up to 20

Keyword mapping to target pages

XML sitemap creation and submission

Robots.txt optimization

Title Tags & Meta descriptions

External link analysis and disavow

Canonicalization analysis

Internal linking analysis & optimization

Link redirect audit

Header Tags OptimizedHeader Tags Optimized

Duplicate content analysis

Schema Markup (JSON-LD) Implementation

Fixing the 404 error page

Image optimization

Google Search Console Setup

Google Analytics Setup

Monthly visitor profile report

Monthly reporting of keyword ranking, and CTR,

User experience reporting (bounce rate, device category, etc.)

Monthly Competitor Analysis Report

Google Business Profile optimization (if needed)

Analysis of SERP title and description to improve clickthrough

Analysis of SERP title and description to improve clickthrough

Dedicated Marketing Manager

Monthly Backlink (High Quality, Do-follow)




Initial investment:(One month duration)




Tools and Extensions

Tools and Extensions We Utilize For SEO of Your Business Website

We use the following tools to work efficiently and help you promote your business

Google Snippet Optimization ToolSEOQuakeSEO Meta in 1 Click
Ahref PremiumGrammarly PremiumKeywords Everywhere
BuzzsumoQuetext Moz Pro
Google Rich Results Testing ToolGoogle Pagespeed Insights 

Expected Result of Investing in Travel SEO Website

Increased Website Traffic:

A study conducted by Backlinko revealed that the top three organic results of Google receive 53.3 percent of all clicks. It is important for you to stand on the top position of Google , and we are here to help you.

Enhanced Brand Visibility:

A Moz study revealed that 70% of consumers research a brand online before making a purchase decision. We will help you in appearing at the top of SERPs that can significantly increase brand awareness and build trust with potential customers.

No Interaction With Customers

As per Statista’s findings for 2023, the customer satisfaction with online travel website score was 76 out of 100 points, increasing by one point over the previous year. This highlights the immense potential of the online market for businesses to invest in SEO.

These are only some of the expected benefits of investing in SEO. Optimizing your site and content for keywords relevant to your business will increase the number of potential customers and generate leads.

Expected Result of Investing in Travel SEO Website
Expected Time to Get Results of SEO for Your Travel Agency

Expected Time to Get Results of SEO for Your Travel Agency

Our experience has shown us that it is difficult to accurately predict the time when our clients begin to see tangible improvements through SEO. Based on various factors, it could range from a few weeks to a few months. 

Consider these factors to determine expected results 

  • Age of the website and its credibility,
  • Market’s competitiveness 
  • keywords difficulty.
  • The quantity and quality of content on the site. 

Travel SEO: FAQs

SEO increases brand visibility, enhances trust and boost domain authority , as a result it increases leads and profitability.

The top 5 SEO strategies are

  • GMB optimization
  • On page optimization
  • Off page optimization
  • Technical SEO
  • Website speed and structure

Spots are filling up fast! Secure your partnership with the leading SEO agency before it’s too late.

Get in Touch With Us Today!

At SEO Packages, we pride ourselves on our strict adherence to Google’s ever-changing search algorithm, ensuring that our tactics are always up-to-date and in compliance with the latest industry standards. 

Our team of SEO experts utilizes data-driven strategies to develop personalized solutions for each of our clients, optimizing your website for targeted traffic and increased conversions.

Get connect and boost your business

Boost Organic Traffic by 109% with our professional SEO Strategy