SEO for General Contractors! Grow with the Best Packages!

We know that you are depressed with the lack of interaction on your website. Craving a constant stream of customers in town. Our dedicated SEO services for general contractors can help you. 

Let us take care of all the complexities so that you can concentrate on a world of building and renovating. Since, according to Semursh, above 50% of site visitors come via organic search, our services guarantee your company will be in a high position and bring in the right clients with ease.

Ready to turn your website into a lead generating machine? Get started with our monthly SEO package today and see how we can help you achieve your online business goals.

SEO for General Contactor
Why is SEO services for General Contractor necessary

Why are SEO services for General Contractor necessary?

SEO can benefit construction businesses in several ways:

1. Searching Engine High Rankings

The ranking of your website in search engine results will be greatly improved through SEO. In addition, according to Backlinko websites in the top three positions receive over 50% of clicks. People are more likely to trust companies with high rankings. They also appear more credible and trustworthy to them.

2. To Increase Awareness

The higher your company ranks in a search engine, the more likely it is that people will find you. People are more likely to advise their friends to use the services of your company.

3. Quality Content

SEO targets people who are already interested in your services. The higher your rankings are, the simpler your site is able to attract quality traffic that converts. This will save both time and money, while spending resources only on potential customers that have a higher probability of becoming clientele.

4. Stay Competitive with SEO For General Contractors

If you’re not optimizing your contractor website, your competitors probably are. If you want to generate more qualified traffic and close more sales, you need to engage in the success of your website presence. To achieve the level of success you’re seeking and stay competitive, optimizing your website is essential.

7 Strategies Our SEO Company Uses for General Contractor’s Website

We employ extensive SEO strategies to increase the visibility of your business in construction. The strategies we use are:

1. SEO Audit for Construction Businesses

The first step our SEO company follows is free auditing of your website to understand the position where your website is standing. We do

  • Technical SEO Audit: We check your website’s back end to see if it is discoverable by search engines.
  • Content Analysis: We examined your website’s content for relevance, readability, and keywords being used.
  • On-page Analyses: We analyze the elements of your website’s pages, including headers, title tags, and Meta descriptions.
  • Off-page Analyses: We analyze external factors on your site that impact the ranking of your website.

SEO Audit of Your Website of General Contractor

2. Talk With Your Business Team

We know your business’s goals and objectives, the locations, the target market, and the most important keywords. We then give feedback on audit results.

3. On-Page SEO for Website

  • Keyword Research: We determine the contractor keywords that are popular for your construction business.
  • Keyword Mapping: We add keywords associated with specific pages on your website.
  • Think about the SERP’s intent: We comprehend and serve the user’s needs behind the search query.
  • Update Content Structure and Information: We provide value to content and update it according to the latest Google algorithms.
  • Paragraphs are Mobile-Friendly: We guarantee readability on mobile devices.
  • Featured Snippet Optimization: We change your content to ensure it is in the top spot in Google featured excerpts.
  • URL Optimization: We ensure URL are short and SEO-friendly.
  • Optimization of Meta Title and Description: Optimize your website’s titles and descriptions to increase click-through rates (CTR).
  • Highlight Important Information with Bold: We improve the presentation of information and assist users in easily finding important information.
  • Add External and Internal Links: We provide internal linking to keep users longer and external linking to provide additional information.
  • Optimize Table of Contents: We design a simple-to-use table of contents.
  • Create Jumping Links to In/Out Pages: We can make links that allow users to jump between specific pages.
  • Add Explanatory Videos and Images: We integrate relevant images and videos to improve user understanding and involvement.
  • Verify CTA Performance: We verify that the buttons function as intended. Call to Action (CTA) buttons.

On Page SEO
Local SEO of General Contractor Business

4. Local SEO for General Contractors

We do Local SEO to attract Clients in Your area through,

  • Google My Business Optimization:  Make it comprehensive with keywords, service descriptions, high-quality photos as well as positive client reviews
  • Local Content Promotion: Create blog posts, infographics, or videos addressing local construction concerns and showcase projects completed in your area.
  • Local Citations: Build citations on high-quality local directories and business listings relevant to your construction services.
  • Online Reviews: The Customer is King! Encourage customers to write favorable remarks on Google My Business as well as various other platforms.

5. Technical SEO

We build user-friendly websites with essential technical SEO features. The strategies we utilize are as follows;

  • Website Structure: Organize your website with clear navigation, logical page hierarchy, and relevant internal linking for user and search engine ease.
  • Mobile-Friendliness: Ensure your website is responsive and displays optimally on all mobile devices.
  • Website Security: Protect your website from potential security threats, such as unauthorized access.
  • XML Site Map: Make search engine crawling more convenient by putting the XML sitemap.
  • Robots.txt Setup: With robots.txt, we control how search engines crawl and index your site.
  • Structured Data: Implement schema markup to provide Google with richer information about your services and projects, potentially enhancing search results appearance.
  • HTML Tags: Optimize title tags, meta descriptions, and heading tags with relevant keywords for better search engine understanding.
  • Broken Link Fixing: Regularly Check for dead links to ensure a smooth user experience and avoid penalization from search engines.
Site Speed Optimization of Your General Contractor's website

6. Site Speed Optimization of Your General Contractor’s website

We optimize the speed of loading your contractor website’s pages on desktop and mobile devices to improve the user experience and boost the ranking of your website through SEO for your website. It involves

  • First Contentful Paint: Determine the best time to make the first appearance of content on the site.
  • The largest contentful paint: Measures the loading time for the biggest images or text.
  • Total Blocking Time: Analyze the length of time a webpage is not responsive to user input.
  • Cumulative Layout Shift: Determines how many elements of your website move around during loading.
  • Speed Index: Rates the speed at which the content of a webpage is visible and populating.

7. Link Building Services for Your Website of General Construction

Our best SEO agency build trust and authority of your website through link-building services

  • High-quality research articles will get natural backlinks.
  • On platforms such as HARO, we compose excellent articles for other websites to obtain excerpted links.
  • We locate and fix broken links from authoritative sources close to your industry.
  • Collaborate with publishers and bloggers in your sector so as to get organic traffic.
  • Our strength lies in strategically inserting new backlinks into current content to enhance SEO, utilizing niche edits from pertinent site owners or specific blog posts.
  • We recommend that you establish alliances with the leaders in your industry.
Link Building Services for Your Website of General Construction

List of Our SEO Services

Feature SEO Packages
SEO Audit
On-Page SEO
Local SEO
Technical SEO
Site Speed Optimization
Off-Page SEO
Monthly Reporting

11 Tools We Utilize to Ensure Best SEO Services for contractors

We use the following tools to work efficiently and help you promote your business

  1. Grammarly Premium
  2. Keywords Everywhere
  3. Google Rich Results Testing Tool
  4. Google Page Speed Insights
  5. Google Snippet Optimization Tool
  6. SEOQuake
  7. SEO Meta in 1 Click
  8. Ahref Premium
  9. Buzzsumo
  10. Quetext
  11. Moz Pro

Increase Leads by 205% with our Custom SEO Strategy

SEO Packages for General Contractors

You may choose from pre-built or custom SEO packages. Monthly package is great choice for busy contractors. Let’s choose your favorite and feel free to contact us for custom plan!

Affordable SEO Package

Start From



  • Up to 50 Pages SEO Audit
  • 10 Keywords Optimised
  • 5 Pages Optimized
  • Find Technical SEO Issues
  • 3 NLP Optimized Content
  • 2 High-Quality Backlinks
  • Find 5 KWs with Growth Potential

Advanced SEO

Start From



  • Up to 100 Pages SEO Audit
  • 20 Keywords Optimised
  • 10 Pages Optimized
  • Find Technical SEO Issues
  • 5 NLP Optimized Content
  • 3 High-Quality Backlinks
  • Find 10 KWs with Growth Potential

Premium SEO

Start From



  • Up to 200 Pages SEO Audit
  • 30 Keywords Optimised
  • 20 Pages Optimized
  • Find & Fix Technical SEO Issues
  • 7 NLP Optimized Content
  • 5 High-Quality Backlinks
  • Dedicated Manager
  • Find 20 KWs with Growth Potential

10 Compelling Reasons to Choose Our Best SEO Packages

We claim to be the best SEO service provider because we are different from others due to the following reasons:

10 Compelling Reasons to Choose Our SEO Company for General Contractors

1. Google First:

We follow Google’s SEO rules carefully, ensuring your website is compliant and competitive for long-term success.

2. Always adapting:

Our team is well equipped with Google’s latest algorithm changes; in addition, we get to learn new tactics that will help your site rank high on search results.

3. Data-driven Decisions:

We don’t guess. We use comprehensive data analysis to track our work, enhance our methods, and provide concrete results that can be reflective.

4. Tailor-Made Solutions:

We believe in custom strategies. We analyze your specific needs, target clientele, and local market to create a carefully tailored SEO plan that accomplishes the objectives of your contractor business office.

5. White Hat SEO:

Our SEO team subscribe to ethical, long-term techniques. We focus on long-term natural visibility using white hat methods that assist in gaining credibility and trust from Google and your customers.

6. Local Domination:

We acknowledge the significance of local SEO for general contractor business. We will assist you in optimizing your company’s online presence to attract clients from the specified geographical region.

7. Relevance:

Our SEO experts focus on relevant web pages or content concerning potential customers and their needs. This way, you can ensure that your website captures the appropriate customers while providing maximum value.

8. Time Valued:

We respect your busy schedule. Our transactions are time-bound and ethical to keep you aware of your progress steps.

9. Professional Expertise:

We provide an SEO specialist for your business. A person who knows your business and is your main point of contact for everything relating to search engine optimization.

10. Grow with Affordable SEO Package:

We provide cost effective and customizable packages that fit your budget and prioritize results that are high-value. Your success is our success.

SEO Service Packages Details

We provide pre-made SEO packages. However, you can customize it according to the need of your business. We utilize this data to create an SEO strategy unique to your company, taking into account anything from your objectives and industry to your website and competitors.






SEO Audit (On Page, Off-page, Content & Technical)





Number of keywords optimized (in 1 month)

Up to 20

Up to 30

Up to 50


Pages Optimized

Up to 20

Up to 30

Up to 50


SEO Keyword Research with Growth Potential

Up to 5

Up to 10

Up to 20


Keyword mapping to target pages





XML sitemap creation and submission





Robots.txt optimization





Title Tags & Meta descriptions





External link analysis and disavow





Canonicalization analysis





Internal linking analysis & optimization





Link redirect audit





Header Tags Optimized





Duplicate content analysis





Schema Markup (JSON-LD) Implementation





Fixing the 404 error page





Image optimization





Google Search Console Setup





Google Analytics Setup





Monthly visitor profile report





Monthly reporting of keyword ranking, and CTR,





user experience reporting (bounce rate, device category, etc.)





Monthly Competitor Analysis Report





Google Business Profile optimization (if needed)





Analysis of SERP title and description to improve clickthrough





Technical Website Analysis & Opportunity Report





Dedicated Marketing Manager





Monthly Backlink (High Quality, Do-follow)





Initial investment:(One month duration)




Book Now






SEO Audit (On Page, Off-page, Content & Technical)

Number of keywords optimized (in 1 month)

Up to 20

Up to 30

Up to 50

Pages Optimized

Up to 20

Up to 30

Up to 50

SEO Keyword Research with Growth Potential

Up to 5

Up to 10

Up to 20

Keyword mapping to target pages

XML sitemap creation and submission

Robots.txt optimization

Title Tags & Meta descriptions

External link analysis and disavow

Canonicalization analysis

Internal linking analysis & optimization

Link redirect audit

Header Tags OptimizedHeader Tags Optimized

Duplicate content analysis

Schema Markup (JSON-LD) Implementation

Fixing the 404 error page

Image optimization

Google Search Console Setup

Google Analytics Setup

Monthly visitor profile report

Monthly reporting of keyword ranking, and CTR,

User experience reporting (bounce rate, device category, etc.)

Monthly Competitor Analysis Report

Google Business Profile optimization (if needed)

Analysis of SERP title and description to improve clickthrough

Analysis of SERP title and description to improve clickthrough

Dedicated Marketing Manager

Monthly Backlink (High Quality, Do-follow)




Initial investment:(One month duration)




Expected Result of Investing In SEO for General Contractors

Building a construction empire online requires more than just a website. You need a strategic SEO plan that dominates search engines and attracts a steady stream of qualified leads. 

According to Forbes , 75 percent of people do not look beyond the first page in the first page of a Google search.

We utilize all types of SEO – from onsite optimization to link building and local marketing – to ensure your website ranks high for the keywords your potential clients are searching for. That means more website traffic, more leads, and more booming business. 

Imagine 75% of potential clients missing your business because they never make it past page one. 

Invest in SEO and become the construction company they see first.

Expected Result SEO for General Contractors
First Results of SEO General Contractors

How Soon Can You See the First Results of SEO?

Although you are able to sit and wait, you’d like to know the answer. So, you’ll need to wait between 6 and 12 months before gaining the first major benefits of the SEO plan.

This is a significant amount of time, and a huge difference between the longest and shortest waiting times. However, this is only an average estimate. The actual outcome depends on many factors listed below.

  • If you already have a website or plan to start It.
  • How many competitors you have
  • The budget you spend on your SEO Plan
  • The Quality of the Strategy
  • Sticking to and getting the strategy right every time.

SEO for General Contractors: FAQs

It is the process of enhancing your contractor business site to ensure it is visible on search results pages by customers who are willing to hire you for services.

It costs around $1,000 to $10,000 depending on the position of your website.

Yes SEO is worth it. It helps contractors to reach people searching online for their services. Unlike Google ads, search engine optimization brings organic traffic and more leads.


Let’s Collaborate!

No need to go further for general contractor SEO. Contact our agency today for a free consultation and see how we can help your construction business website climb the search engine ladder!

Increase Leads by 205% with our Custom SEO Strategy