Dominate Search with The Best Law Firm SEO Packages

In this digital era services without digital presence is like a ship without the captain.

It’s a common observation that lawyers do not have sufficient time or they don’t think about taking SEO services for their law firms. According to American Bar data, 40% of law firms do not have a digital presence. In addition, 35% of law related website have not updated their digital content for over three years.

 We know you are the country’s best law service provider, but you need to tell it to the people. For that purpose, we are here. We provide comprehensive law firm SEO services to make your business shine and help you assist more people.

Want to be visible on Google?

Remember, every moment counts in this digital age. Stop waiting for clients to find you. Reach out to them proactively. We’re here to assist you achieve that.

Law Firm SEO
SEO Essential for Law Firms

Why is SEO Essential for Law Firms?

In today’s competitive legal service market, SEO is very important. It’s about making your firm more noticeable. By making your website good for search engines, you can go up the list in search results and help more people looking online for legal assistance. This can result in more organic visitors clicking on the top search results.

SEO is also important in improving your reputation. When your law firm is easy to find online, it’s easier to find positive client reviews. Additionally, they can earn Google’s trust and credibility by creating helpful, high-quality content and delivering it appealingly.

The SEO for law firms also leads to a higher ROI. Targeting users in a specific geographic location can reduce your competition and focus your efforts on a more responsive audience.

To summarize:

  • SEO provides elevated visibility, making firms more discoverable online
  • It boosts natural website traffic by achieving improved rankings on search engines.
  • SEO helps increase a law firm’s reputation through easy-to-find positive reviews and high-quality content
  • An improved user interface, resulting from good SEO practices, improves the user’s experience
  • Higher ROI is achieved by targeting geographically specific users  and utilizing cost-effective marketing strategy

These factors make SEO essential to a firm’s marketing strategy.

7 Effective Strategies We Follow for Law Firms SEO

Being one of the best SEO companies, we try our best to maintain this status. We utilize comprehensive SEO strategies that include


1. Law Firm SEO Audit

Through SEO audit, we evaluate the overall health of your website, check out the lacking and errors, and improve these using the following strategies

  • Technical SEO Audit: We analyze the backend of the website for efficient crawling and indexing by search engines


  • Content Analysis: Review website content for quality, relevance, and optimized keyword targeting.


  • On-page Analysis: This involves reviewing the elements on your website pages, such as title tags, headers, and Meta descriptions.


  • Off-page Analysis: Audit external factors of the website that affect its ranking.

2. Discussion with Your Team

We understand your business’s objectives, target audience, location, and focus keywords and provide feedback on the audit results.

On Page SEO

3. On-Page SEO for Law Firms

In On-page SEO we optimize website’s content and elements to improve ranking. It involves

  • Keyword Research: Identify high-volume search terms related to your law firm.
  • Keyword Mapping: Placing keywords related to specific pages on a website.
  • Consider SERP Intent: Understand and serve the user’s purpose behind the search keyword.
  • Update Content Structure & Information: Add value and update content according to Google’s latest algorithms.
  • Paragraphs are Mobile Friendly: Guarantee readability on mobile.
  • Featured Snippet Optimization Update your content to secure a top position in Google.
  • Answer to Specific Query: Address targeted user questions
  • URL Optimization: Create concise and SEO-friendly URLs
  • Meta Title and Description Optimization: Optimize your website’s titles and its descriptions to improve Click Through Rate (CTR).
  • Highlight Important Info in Bold: Enhance the Presentation of the content and help users to navigate important information easily.
  • Add Internal and External Links Include internal linking to engage users longer and external linking to provide additional information.
  • User-Friendly Table of Contents: Create an easy-to-navigate TOC.
  • Create In/Out Page Jump Links if Possible: It involves creating links allowing users to jump to specific page sections.
  • Add Video and Explanatory Images: Incorporates relevant videos and images to enhance user understanding and engagement.
  • Check CTA Performance: Confirm the proper functionality of the Call To Action (CTA) buttons.

4. Local SEO for Lawyers

Our law firm SEO experts optimizing your website to gain traffic from a specific geographical area like the United States. We use the following strategies to enhance your website visibility in the local market

  • Google Business Optimization: Improve your law service’s visibility and ranking on Google by optimizing your GMB listing.
  • Local Content Promotion: Create and promote content relevant to a local audience to boost engagement and conversions.
  • Local Citation: We mention your business’s details on local directory websites, which help in improving your local search engine rankings.
  • Backlinks: Improve rankings with quality and relevant incoming links.
  • Online Reviews: Consistent mentions of your business in directories improve your local search rankings.
  • Micro-influencers: To enhance local SEO, we strategically collaborate with micro-influencers, utilizing their local influence to create engaging content that resonates with the community and elevates our clients’ online visibility.
Law Firm Local SEO

5. Technical SEO

We optimize the website’s backend structure utilizing a technical SEO strategy to make it easy for search engines to index and read the site. The strategies we follow are

  • Optimization of Website Structure: Organize your website in a user-friendly and easily navigable way, which can enhance user experience and SEO.
  • Mobile-Friendliness: Optimize your website to look and perform properly on mobile devices.
  • Website Security: Protect your website from online threats.
  • Site Mapping in XML: Help search engines navigate your website with ease by crafting an XML sitemap.
  • Robots.txt Setup: Creates a robots.txt file to guide search engine crawling and indexing for optimal site visibility.
  • Structured Data: Use specific code formats (like to aid search engines in better understanding your content and enhance its appearance in search results.
  • .HTML Tags: Utilize HTML tags effectively (like title, meta, and heading tags) to improve your website’s SEO.

Fixing Broken Links: Identify and repair links that lead to missing pages.

6. Site Speed Optimization for Mobile and Desktop

A study by Google found that the bounce rate increases by 23% if page load time grows from 1s to 3s, and it increases to 90% if loading time increases from 1s to 5s.Therefore, Site speed optimization is necessary for your website.

  • First Contentful Paint: Evaluate the time for an initial content appearance on the website.
  • Largest Contentful Paint: Measures loading time for the largest text or image.
  • Total Blocking Time: Analyze the duration of a page that zis unresponsive to user input.
  • Cumulative Layout Shift: Measures how much the elements on your page navigate during loading. 
  • Speed Index: Rates how fast a page’s content is visibly populated.

7. Link Building Services

Our law firm digital marketing agency improves the authority of your website through our link-building services, including

  • Creating world-class research articles that earn natural backlinks is a cornerstone of our link-building strategy.
  • Through platforms like HARO, we deliver high-quality content to external sites, earning valuable links in the process.
  • To enhance your website’s link profile, we will find and fix broken links from authoritative domains in your industry.
  • Teaming up with niche-related publishers and bloggers, our strategic link placements yield organic traffic.
  • We update outdated content on other websites in our field and write specific blog posts. By this method, we not only increase the quality of blogs on other websites but also build links.
  • We encourage you to start partnerships with leaders in your industry.

Core Services of Our SEO Agency

Feature SEO Packages
SEO Audit
On-Page SEO
Local SEO
Technical SEO
Site Speed Optimization
Off-Page SEO
Monthly Reporting
Tools and Extensions for Law Firm SEO

Tools And Extensions Our Agency Utilizes for Law Firm’s SEO

We use the following tools to work efficiently and help you promote your business

  • Google Snippet Optimization Tool
  • SEOQuake
  • SEO Meta in 1 Click
  • Ahref Premium
  • Grammarly Premium
  • Keywords Everywhere
  • Buzzsumo
  • Quetext
  • Moz Pro
  • Google Rich Results Testing Tool
  • Google Pagespeed Insights

How is our SEO compnany different from others?

At SEO PACKAGES, We have all expertise and the resources you need to boost your online visibility and multiply leads for your firm.

Call us today to have the best SEO services and elevate your business. Talk with professionals about how we can help you grow big.

Custom SEO Packages for Law Firm

You may choose from pre-built or custom SEO packages. For law firms, monthly SEO package can be your choice. Contact us to buy your favorite plan!

Affordable SEO Package

Start From



  • Up to 50 Pages SEO Audit
  • 10 Keywords Optimised
  • 5 Pages Optimized
  • Find Technical SEO Issues
  • 3 NLP Optimized Content
  • 2 High-Quality Backlinks
  • Find 5 KWs with Growth Potential

Advanced SEO

Start From



  • Up to 100 Pages SEO Audit
  • 20 Keywords Optimised
  • 10 Pages Optimized
  • Find Technical SEO Issues
  • 5 NLP Optimized Content
  • 3 High-Quality Backlinks
  • Find 10 KWs with Growth Potential

Premium SEO

Start From



  • Up to 200 Pages SEO Audit
  • 30 Keywords Optimised
  • 20 Pages Optimized
  • Find & Fix Technical SEO Issues
  • 7 NLP Optimized Content
  • 5 High-Quality Backlinks
  • Dedicated Manager
  • Find 20 KWs with Growth Potential

11 Reasons To Partner With Law Firm SEO Experts

  1. We adhere to Google SEO Guidelines
  2. We regularly Monitor Google updates on SEO and implement strategies accordingly.
  3. We deliver data-driven results that differentiate us.
  4. Create a custom strategy for your business.
  5. White Hat SEO aims for long-term visibility, therefore we implement these tactics. 
  6. We ensure high-quality local SEO.
  7. We optimize content for NLP.
  8. We prioritize relevancy.
  9. We value your time and therefore are deadline-oriented.
  10. We have a specialized manager for your business
  11. We offer affordable pricing + customized offers to cater to your requirements.
10 Reasons to Choose Our SEO Packages

Law Firm SEO Service Package Details

We provide pre-made SEO packages. However, you can customize it according to the need of your law firm. We utilize this data to create an SEO strategy unique to your company, taking into account anything from your objectives and industry to your website and competitors.






SEO Audit (On Page, Off-page, Content & Technical)





Number of keywords optimized (in 1 month)

Up to 20

Up to 30

Up to 50


Pages Optimized

Up to 20

Up to 30

Up to 50


SEO Keyword Research with Growth Potential

Up to 5

Up to 10

Up to 20


Keyword mapping to target pages





XML sitemap creation and submission





Robots.txt optimization





Title Tags & Meta descriptions





External link analysis and disavow





Canonicalization analysis





Internal linking analysis & optimization





Link redirect audit





Header Tags Optimized





Duplicate content analysis





Schema Markup (JSON-LD) Implementation





Fixing the 404 error page





Image optimization





Google Search Console Setup





Google Analytics Setup





Monthly visitor profile report





Monthly reporting of keyword ranking, and CTR,





user experience reporting (bounce rate, device category, etc.)





Monthly Competitor Analysis Report





Google Business Profile optimization (if needed)





Analysis of SERP title and description to improve clickthrough





Technical Website Analysis & Opportunity Report





Dedicated Marketing Manager





Monthly Backlink (High Quality, Do-follow)





Initial investment:(One month duration)




Book Now






SEO Audit (On Page, Off-page, Content & Technical)

Number of keywords optimized (in 1 month)

Up to 20

Up to 30

Up to 50

Pages Optimized

Up to 20

Up to 30

Up to 50

SEO Keyword Research with Growth Potential

Up to 5

Up to 10

Up to 20

Keyword mapping to target pages

XML sitemap creation and submission

Robots.txt optimization

Title Tags & Meta descriptions

External link analysis and disavow

Canonicalization analysis

Internal linking analysis & optimization

Link redirect audit

Header Tags OptimizedHeader Tags Optimized

Duplicate content analysis

Schema Markup (JSON-LD) Implementation

Fixing the 404 error page

Image optimization

Google Search Console Setup

Google Analytics Setup

Monthly visitor profile report

Monthly reporting of keyword ranking, and CTR,

User experience reporting (bounce rate, device category, etc.)

Monthly Competitor Analysis Report

Google Business Profile optimization (if needed)

Analysis of SERP title and description to improve clickthrough

Analysis of SERP title and description to improve clickthrough

Dedicated Marketing Manager

Monthly Backlink (High Quality, Do-follow)




Initial investment:(One month duration)




Expected Result for Investing in Law Firm SEO

What is the Expected Result of Investing in a Law Firm SEO?

Here are a few statistics according to Backlinko that help you understand the expected outcome of investing in SEO for your firm.

  • Nearly half of all Google searches target local products and services
  • Brands with active blogs attract 97% more backlinks from other domains, boosting your website’s authority and visibility in search results. 
  • Websites with blogs generate 55% more traffic than those without. By offering valuable content that addresses common legal concerns, you attract users who may eventually become clients
  • The top organic search result can snag up to 27.7% more clicks, making it crucial to optimize your website for relevant keywords and ensure it lands high in search rankings

In conclusion, websites with great SEO can help you compete with competitors.

It’s much less expensive than paying for search ads and can lead to a great return on investment (ROI), although it may take time to see the results.

Law Firm SEO: FAQs

SEO is the process of improving your law firm website’s ranking in search engine results pages. It ultimately increases the number of people that visit the website of your law business.

In law, SEO means optimizing a legal website to increase its exposure in organic search results. Typical optimizations include keyword analysis, content production, link building, and more.

On average, law firms spend $3000 – $10,000 on SEO. The price will vary depending on your practice area, the competition in your region, and the position of your law firm’s website.

Local SEO makes sure your law firm website ranks higher on search results and is visible to people actively looking for legal services in your area. You can improve its efficacy by adding keywords and categories that are particular to your practice areas.

Partner With Law Firm SEO Agency Today!

Ready to gain clients? Let our digital marketing experts Upgrade your digital presence and set you apart!

We are the #1 law firm’s SEO service agency, providing top-quality services to increase visibility on the internet.

We use a comprehensive approach from SEO audit to link building. We are known for following Google rules, making data-driven strategies, and keeping prices low.

Increase Leads by 205% with our Custom SEO Strategy